INSTITUTIONAL EYE Pillars of Governance: Independent Directors 03 Feb, 2023

Independent directors and the statutory auditors are considered ‘Gatekeepers of Governance’. In this context, gatekeepers generally refers to outside professionals such as independent directors and auditors, who monitor, curb and report on corporate behaviour (-narrowly taken to mean misconduct). To the extent some board committees oversee crucial aspects including appointing directors and auditors and the audit itself, they collectively carry the same label and are the pillars on which a company’s governance edifice is built.

In this, the third of a 4-part series on “Pillars of Governance”, co-authored by Bharat Vasani and Varun Kannan from Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, we explore the roles, duties and responsibilities of the Independent Directors.

Click here to read the full article.

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